How we age is dependent on two factors: lifestyle — and genes. If your parents aged well, then you will probably go on looking good for your age, too. But how we live — even where we live i- can also have a major impact on how we age. Here’s how some lifestyle factors can add years — decades, even — to our faces…
Sunbathing add 20 years. (What more do we have to say?)
Regular tanning bed use add 20 years. (According to an increasing body of dermatologists, sunbeds are even more damaging to skin than direct sunlight, because they give out pure UVA rays — which penetrate deep into the skin, causing damage.)
Stress — add 3 years. (A major skin savager, especially as the associated behavioural symptoms — excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption, missed sleep and skipped meals — have detrimental side-effects. Try to reduce stress by finding new ways to relax and slow down.)
Big city living add 5 years. (Don’t think the only solution is to move to the country try a skin cream rich in antioxidants, instead, to mop up the damage.)
Crash dieting — add 10 years. (Yoyo dieting deprives skin of vital nutrients.
If you lose weight quickly, your skin will stretch and sag.)
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