pimples are a nightmare, not only for models but everyone. Seeming to show up at the most inopportune moments in life, the stress surrounding important events are one way to get the cheeky little devils. Other causes of acne: dirt, clogged pores, pressure (like helmets or sports bras), cosmetics, medication, hormones, and heredity. Fast food and pizza isn’t necessarily good for your health, however, contrary to what most people believe it still hasn’t been proven food is the cause of acne.
When a pimple begins to show, try to leave it alone. The more you touch it the more you irritate it. Dabbing benzoyl peroxide directly on the problem then leaving on over night will reduce swelling and dry the pimple out.
Plan your attack when puss has come to the surface. €lean the area with rubbing alcohol and use the tip of a cauterized needle or a skin care extractor to gently push the puss out. Always wash around the area as well as your hands after this process to prevent further breakouts. Then apply a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid topical cream leaving it over night. Exfoliating the around the area will be the finishing touch in the morning. The once horrid pimple should now be small, clean, and smooth – ready for makeup to cover any redness which may still be left.