In order to maintain naturally radiant beauty throughout life, we need to under-stand the factors that cause the body’s energy flow to remain healthy and active, as well as those that cause it to stagnate.

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Perhaps the most important factor in deter-mining the quality of energy in the body is the food we eat each day. Food creates blood and body fluids which in turn nourish and create cells. If our food is well-balanced, then the quality of our cells.

including those of the skin, will be healthy, which means that they actively conduct energy. The skin is the most peripheral part of the body’s energy system, and is a mirror of our total health. How we eat and drink, the type of exercise and activity we pursue, and our mental outlook are the primary factors that combine to create smooth and active energy flow, good overall health, and radiantly beautiful skin.

Among nutrients, complex carbohydrates, such as those in whole grains, beans, bean products, vegetables, and sea vegetables, provide the most steady, even release of energy. They supply the chakras, meridians, meridian branches, and cells with constant energy for metabolism and life functions. Eating them creates a fresh, healthy looking appearance.

Moreover, these foods are good sources of fiber, vita- mins, minerals, and trace elements that promote healthy skin and smooth func- tioning in the intestines and digestive tract. Constipation and other intestinal dis• orders are far less common among people who eat adequate fiber in their diets. When the intestines and digestive tract function smoothly, waste products are eliminated regularly.

This helps to ensure a smooth flow of energy and nutrients through the body and keeps the skin clear and healthy looking. High-quality minerals, such as those found naturally in whole grains, vegetables, sea vegetables, and natural sea salt are also important in maintaining radiant health. Minerals conduct electromagnetic energy from the environment, and when eaten as a part of the whole foods they are found in, activate the charge of energy in the meridians, chakras, and central channel.

They also promote smooth diges-tion and elimination, and thus help keep the body free of toxic accumulations. The cleanest protein for natural beauty comes from whole grains, beans (includ-ing soybean products), seeds, and other vegetable sources. Unlike the proteins found in animal foods, vegetable-quality protein does not come with plenty of saturated fat and cholesterol. The accumulation of cholesterol and fat throughout the body blocks the flow of energy through the chakras and meridians, so that less energy reaches the skin and other organs. On the other hand, unsaturated vegetable oils. such as those found in grains.

beans, and seeds, help lubricate the tissues and keep the skin smooth and supple, This enhances the flow of energy in the body. Today. however, modern diets often lack the proper balance of energy and nutrients. They are excessive in some. and deficient in others.

The dietary extremes so common today have negative effects on the quality of energy in the body and as a result. on the condition and appearance of the skin.


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